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EXPRESS Parallel Processing System

ParaSoft Corporation

EXPRESS Parallel Processing System is an integrated hardware/softwaresolution to parallel processing on workstations. It combines theflexibility of the workstation with the power of parallel processing,utilizing the INMOS transputer with a software environment to developparallel programming applications. The boards incorporate up to ninetransputers providing up to 90 MIPS and 13.5 MFLOPS running under SunOS.This is a perfect hardware and software system to learn or apply parallelprocessing. For applications already running on the workstation, onlythe compute-intensive portions of the code need to be parallelized.Everything else can run without any modifications. Alternatively, all ofthe code can be made to run in parallel. Finite elements, molecularmodeling, simulations, database retrieval, graphics, and image processingare just some examples of applications that have been run on thisparallel system.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

ParaSoft Corporation
2031 S Myrtle Av
Monrovia, CA 91016
Phone: (818) 305-0041
Fax: (818) 305-9048